Sunday, June 17, 2012

No. My column about all things just plan wrong.

No. #1:  Taco Bell's New Beefy Nacho Burrito.  Nachos wrapped up and ready to go.

Gosh, um. Where do I start? There are so many things wrong with the Beefy Nacho Burrito. But, I'll keep it short and to the point. First, we shouldn't really be eating nachos. Ever. They're the reason entire towns in Texas are sporting spare tires. We also shouldn't be eating nachos on the go. Ever.

Next, the cheese sauce. Really? Taco Bell, you go to all the trouble to mass produce Mexican food - a diet based on beans, meats, corn, produce, and cheese - and you leave out the cheese? Really? Cheese sauce? It's almost insulting. Yes, I noticed your delicacies are filled with snack-stand cheese sauce. Just, yuck. Taco Bell you've apparently chosen to fill the 'most engineered and disgusting food' niche. I'm sad there is even a demand for it. But then again, we are a pro-wrestling watchin' nation. To be clear, there are several nasty, inexplicable doosies on the menu. The Beefy Nacho Burrito isn't alone. I'd also like to "No" the Dorritos Locos Taco and the Volcano Taco.  Is this company run by 11 year olds? The former is just gross, the latter has more red dye #40 than any human needs. In an entire lifetime.

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