Sunday, July 8, 2012

Crowdtap: America's Next Top Wooliteer Hosted Party!

The feel of new jeans is only topped by the fit of new jeans.  The fit like a glove, but are still sturdy and   fashionable. Some jeans costs $20 others cost $200. No matter the price we pay, we hate to see them fade to grey (unless its the eighties and we did it with acid on purpose!).  Fear strikes the heart of many women when they put their new pair of jeans into the wash for the first time. Will they still fit? Will the color run out? Will they ever be the same? The fears may seem irrational, but they have their roots in past realities...unfortunately.

Thanks to Woolite's new Extra Dark Care formula, denim and dark clothing stays looking newer, longer. Delicates, denim and dark clothes alike can take the plunge and the whirl without fear! They go into the wash looking new, they come out looking awesome!

To spread the word about Woolite's Extra Dark Care detergent, I was selected by Crowdtap  to host a Wooliteers exclusive party!  I invited ten of mt closest and most fashion forward friends and family to find out who among them was worthy of being crowned America's Next Top Wooliteer!

After enjoying some appetizers and drinks, we headed to the Living Room to get the games underway. My event consisted of three rounds: The Woolite Denim Fashion Show, The Woolite  Trivia Bowl and the Bonus Round - Wash it Off!

The Woolite Denim Fashion Show:

Candies, True Religion, Old Navy and Seven For All Mankind were put on display for our fashion show. Dark rinses, worn denim, and cut-offs were featured.  All broken in, but all loved!  Each of my guests expressed fear that their item would be ruined in the wash.  We discussed the benefits of Woolite Extra Dark Care and I assured them they could put those fears to rest.  Wear, wash, dry, repeat!

The Woolite Denim Trivia Bowl:

This was a lot of fun. One of my guests, Sienna, was all too keen to get to play the host - so I let her have at it. Animated and fun, she kept the game rolling along. My guests knew quite a bit about denim, but we all learned something. One of the most interesting facts was that we should wait 6 months to wash new denim. Another fun fact was that recycled denim is being used as building insulation.  Lastly, my guests loved hearing that the average consumer owns seven pairs of jeans! Amazing!  At the conclusion of ll rounds, the winner was Aneesa!  She is an amazing Wooliteer!

The Woolite Wash-Off!

Because temps reached over 100 degrees the day of the party, we decided to have a Woolite Wash-Off instead of wearing our jeans for any longer than we had to. We literally had to to peel them off!  We decided to wash all of the denim folks brought to the party right there on the spot! We took a field trip to my laundry room and threw our favorites into the washing machine. Cool cycle, regular agitation!  My guests found that Woolite Extra Dark Care smelled fresh and clean and had a rich texture. I reminded them that it can be used on delicates and all beloved pieces of clothing as well.

After the wash, we skipped the dryer (too hot outside and not good for our denim!) and laid our denim out to dry!  Within a few hours, our jeans and shorts were as good as new! Retained their shape, color intact and smelling fresh.  Ready to wear!  Thanks Crowdtap and Woolite!

Check out our original Jean-gle here:

Woolite Extra Dark Care has just found 10 new fans!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I'll be sure to follow you to check out your future Crowdtap endeavors! :)
